Master Numbers
There are nine basic numbers. All the following compound numbers, when added together, always return to one of the basic nine. However, there are several compound numbers that are considered numbers of mastery and are usually not reduced in numerology or astrology. It is said that these numbers are bestowed on “old souls” who are here to be of service to mankind. People who have these numbers prominent in their names or Birth Path are aware of a tremendous amount of nervous energy in their lives. Some can channel it into constructive projects that benefit many. Others use the energy in its negative aspect and never really realize their full potential. Still others use the destructive side and cause great harm. Children with master numbers have more nervous energy than other children and must be kept busy or given special projects to work on. It is extremely helpful for parents to know if their child’s energy is due to the high vibration of their name or birth number. People with these numbers do not always work in the high velocity of this energy or they would feel depleted in a short time. Instead, they often work and live in the root digit of the master number, but the achievement potential is always there.
The numbers considered to be master numbers are mainly 11 and 22. There are others: 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99, though these are rarely mentioned. The 11 is the first and is the “As Above,” as is every alternate master number: 11, 33, 55, 77, and 99. The others are the “So Below”: 22, 44, 66, and 88. The “As Above” numbers are more intuitive, psychic, and spiritually sensitive. The “So Below” numbers are better adapted to the material world. All are meant to be of service: the “As Above” in a spiritual or professional way, and the “So Below” in a material or physical way. All master numbers are powerful because they accentuate themselves and their root number, e.g., 11/2, 22/4, 33/6, and so on.
A master number bears the double powered energy of a single digit number. For ex. consider a person having date of birth as 11/2/1998. Then we will not further bring it to a single digit number. We will just consider as 11. There are in all three master numbers i.e. 11, 22 & 33.
Master Numbers-11 (The Psychic Master)
The 11 is known as “The Psychic Master”—a messenger of God and a master among men, for it is the nature of 11 to delve into the mysteries of life. The ancient temples of mystery had a pillar on either side of the entrance looking very much like the figure 11. They represent the positive-negative, masculine-feminine, active passive forces—that by walking between the two of them we bring a sense of balance into our lives. So the 11 who enters the temple by the center between the two pillars has chosen the positive, upward way. Once on the right path, his success is assured. Where 2 is a follower, the 11 likes to stand on its own two feet. It has the natural abilities of the 1 and is artistic, spiritual, and inspired. All 11’s are meant to be professional people for they cannot be happy in mundane work. Here are the inspired artists, painters, teachers, philosophers, ministers, musicians, composers, performers, and decorators. Their desire is to uplift others through the beauty of their creations or with their inspired thoughts. They are an “As Above” number because of their highly intuitive and inspirational thoughts. They can mingle freely in the world and yet not be a part of it. They have a charisma, a mysterious glamour that makes them stand out in a crowd, and they easily draw followers .
All master numbers are filled with greater energy than single numbers because they include the vibration of the root number. The difference between 2 and 11 is that the 11 prefers to stand on its own two feet and take the lead rather than be the modest, willing follower that the 2 is. The 11 strives for perfection and will study hard to achieve it. They don’t feel fulfilled unless they can give something to the world. Many become famous. On the other hand, they are easily disappointed in people for they expect the same perfection in those they look up to.
Negative 11’s lack the practical aspect because they are not in tune with material matters. They become neurotic from not being able to make their brilliant dreams work for them on the material plane, and they have trials and hardship. On the opposite end of the vibration are the destructive 11’s. Rather than uplift humanity as the positive 11’s do, these 11’s want to rule and enslave others. They become despots, wicked leaders such as Mussolini and Hitler (name totals of 11), who were blinded by and misused their powers. Negative 11’s lack the practical aspect because they are not in tune with material matters. They become neurotic from not being able to make their brilliant dreams work for them on the material plane, and they have trials and hardship. Like 2, they must learn to choose between good and evil, the opposite ends of the vibration. When they turn toward the light, which is the Yod of Divine Light within, it will illuminate the way. Then the darkness of confusion will be replaced with the light of understanding and 11 will reflect that light. When that happens, we see the special glow, feel the charisma, and sense that something special which radiates from the 11.
Positive: Artistic leanings. Creative. Dignified. High ideals. Highly selective. Inspired. May be religiously or politically inclined. Not a physical laborer, but a professional. Persuasive. Quiet. Reserved. Teacher. Witty. Wants to uplift people (as a whole, not necessarily individually).
Negative: A daydreamer: it’s far easier to dream about great things than to accomplish them. Aimless. A loner. Can’t always put ideas into constructive form. Confused. Emotional. Expects too high a standard in others. In the world, but not a part of it. Miserly. Not at all practical. Prejudiced. Represses feelings. Repressive leader. Self-centered. Selflove. Shiftless. Unfair.
Destructive: Devilish. Dishonest. Wicked. Lacks understanding. May unconsciously antagonize others. Self-indulgent. Religious fanatics.
Master Numbers-22 (The Master Architect”)
The 22 came to be known as a master number for several reasons. It has always been the characteristic number of any circle, and the circle is associated with the Monad, or God. The original Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 letters that are the creative basis and attributes of all that has been created. So 22 represents the whole circle of creation. The 22 is the “So Below” for it makes manifest on the material plane. It is known as the Master Architect because it is capable of building the great roads, waterways, and buildings of the world. The 22 knows how to unite the inspirational idea with the physical manifestation. Yet 22 is less spiritual than the “As Above” numbers 11 and 33. It is more adaptable to the Earth plane; it can make manifest because of its root of 4. The energy with this vibration is very high. In childhood the child is often hyperactive and must keep hands busy. This is the child who enjoys Erector Sets and building blocks.
All master numbers are filled with greater energy than single numbers because they include the vibration of the root number. The difference between 2 and 11 is that the 11 prefers to stand on its own two feet and take the lead rather than be the modest, willing follower that the 2 is. The 11 strives for perfection and will study hard to achieve it. They don’t feel fulfilled unless they can give something to the world. Many become famous. On the other hand, they are easily disappointed in people for they expect the same perfection in those they look up to.
Negative 11’s lack the practical aspect because they are not in tune with material matters. They become neurotic from not being able to make their brilliant dreams work for them on the material plane, and they have trials and hardship. On the opposite end of the vibration are the destructive 11’s. Rather than uplift humanity as the positive 11’s do, these 11’s want to rule and enslave others. They become despots, wicked leaders such as Mussolini and Hitler (name totals of 11), who were blinded by and misused their powers. Negative 11’s lack the practical aspect because they are not in tune with material matters. They become neurotic from not being able to make their brilliant dreams work for them on the material plane, and they have trials and hardship. Like 2, they must learn to choose between good and evil, the opposite ends of the vibration. When they turn toward the light, which is the Yod of Divine Light within, it will illuminate the way. Then the darkness of confusion will be replaced with the light of understanding and 11 will reflect that light. When that happens, we see the special glow, feel the charisma, and sense that something special which radiates from the 11. When working in the positive energy of this number, much good is accomplished. Many constructive ideas come to 22’s and they have the innate ability to make their ideas reality.
Most 22’s have weak bodies in contrast to their strong minds. It is important for them to have good nutrition. One end of the vibration is starve (22) and the other is food (22). It is invaluable to good health to laugh (22). Laughter makes the body organs move in a harmonious rhythm that is beneficial.
The 22 is the entire circle of God and His creation, and the spiritual qualities that are to be developed for unfoldment. This number is equated with major Water forces such as tidal waves and energy derived from Water. People with this name number benefit from living near Water. Water also equates with our emotions, so 22’s are extremely sensitive. Feelings go as deep as the ocean, and when aroused, they “make waves.” They can be one extreme or the other: calm and deep, or raging fury. The 22 is 11 + 11. It has the vision of the 11 but is able to put it to practical use. It completes work. It is very strong because it is the double of both 2 and 11.
Positive: A doer, A hard and tireless worker, A master of accomplishment, very capable leader, An acute sense of touch, Dynamic. Great achievements known as the Master Architect, Organized and Practical.
Negative: Aimless, Fanatic, Feels inferior, Frustration, Indifferent, Nervous tension, Talks big, Service with ill will
Destructive: Black magic, Criminal, Crooked, Evil, Gang leader, On edge
Master Numbers-33 (Selfless Giving)
This is the master number of spiritual giving. It is the “As Above” for it benefits the spiritual needs of others. The root number 6 is the vibration of home, love, family, service, and responsibility. It must make its voice heard in its family or career. “No greater love has any man than to lay down his life for his friends”
One who will do this is experiencing the 33 vibration. Jesus was 33 years old when he gave his life for humanity. The word SAVIOUR vibrates to 33, so this is known as the love vibration in its highest form—compassion. Another aspect of the master 33 vibration is the experience of the Kundalini force making its way upward through the 33 segments of the spine, opening the chakras as it rises, and causing a tingling sensation in the body from the movement of the petals of each lotus-like wheel.
Positive aspects are seen in the following 33-words: Ability, Angelic, Blessing, Inner, Inward, Peaceful, Potence, Unique.
The 6 root represents the voice. When it is elevated to the 33 vibration we find it at its height in the great orator and in the teacher. 33-words that have to do with the voice and sound are: Announce, Concert, Dramatic, Dynamic, Preach, Quality, Resound.
It is the negative 33’s that are the Martyrs (33). Other negative 33- words are: Cheater. Helpless, Phantom, Robber, Selfish, Torment, Unpleasant.
Positive: Compassion, Deep understanding, Empathetic, Gentle, Kind, Loving service, Nurturing instinct, Selfless giving with no thought of return, Unpretentious.
Negative: Burdened, Careless, Sweet tooth.
Destructive: Martyr, Meddlesome, Slave to others, Slovenly